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3 Compiling and Running VisAlg

3.1 Compilation

For the compilation makefiles are provided for Windows as well as for UNIX.

In order to compile VisAlg on a Windows System you have to execute the make.bat batchfile located in the visAlg directory. On a UNIX system you simply have to change the directory to visAlg and type make.

3.2 Starting VisAlg

To start VisAlg simply execute the batch file run.bat or type on a Windows system or a UNIX system, respectively.

3.3 Documentation

There is documentation available for programmers and users in the VisAlg/doc/manual directory. The user manual (download userManual.pdf) is intended to introduce a user into the handling and functionality of VisAlg. The programmer manual (download programmerManual.pdf)is for those who want to extend VisAlg.

For programmers who are interested in the inwards of VisAlg or even want to extend VisAlg a complete source code description - generated with javadoc - is loacated in the VisAlg/doc/generated directory (it has to be created by calling "make doc" for UNIX and makejavadoc.bat for Windows in the VisAlg directory). Start your favourite browser with the index.html file to view this documentation.

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Dino Ahr, AG Reinelt - Discrete Optimization, Institute for Computer Science, University of Heidelberg