File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
src/TransformConstantsClassesAndFunctions.cpp [code]Defines the constants, types and some functions necessary for the transform programs
src/TransformConstantsClassesAndFunctions.hpp [code]Defines the constants, types and some functions necessary for the transform programs
src/TransformDOMErrorHandler.cpp [code]Defines the tag names in the xml structur, filename extensions etc
src/TransformDOMErrorHandler.hpp [code]Defines the ErrorHandler for the DOM parser
src/TransformTSPLIB.cpp [code]Transforms the instances of the TSPLIB to the xml structure
src/Validate.cpp [code]Validates an travelling salesman problem instance
src/ValidateConstantsFunctionsAndClasses.hpp [code]Defines the constants, some basic functions and some basic classes necessary for the IO
src/ValidateGraph.cpp [code]Defines the class Graph
src/ValidateGraph.hpp [code]Defines the class Graph
src/ValidateInstance.cpp [code]Defines the class Instance
src/ValidateInstance.hpp [code]Defines the class Instance
src/ValidateIO.cpp [code]Defines the functions necessary for the IO
src/ValidateIO.hpp [code]Defines the functions necessary for the IO
src/ValidateSAX2ContentHandler.cpp [code]Defines the ContentHandler for the SAX2 parser
src/ValidateSAX2ContentHandler.hpp [code]Defines the ContentHandler for the SAX2 parser
src/ValidateSAX2ErrorHandler.cpp [code]Defines the ErrorHandler for the SAX2 parser
src/ValidateSAX2ErrorHandler.hpp [code]Defines the ErrorHandler for the SAX2 parser
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