Research Group Discrete Optimization

Solution of City Bus Scheduling Problems

City bus optimization problems in Bangkok, Thailand

The aim of this research is to optimize the number of buses and their scheduling. This leads to high dimensional integer programming problems. The problems can also be formulated through a graph theory model. Two problem cases are considered:
  • the Single-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem (SDVSP),
  • the Multiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem (MDVSP).

Symbols in graph model

  • depot: a nonempty set of vehicles, D: set of all depots, for each d D, d+: start point, d-: end point
  • t-: first stop, t+: last stop, : timetabled trips
  • Adt-trip := {(t-,t+)| t d}(timetabled trips)
  • Adpull-out := {(d+,t-)| t d} (pull-out trips)
  • Adpull-in := {(t+,d-)| t d} (pull-in trips)
  • Add-trip := {(p+,q-)| p,q d} (dead-head trips)
  • Adu-trip := Adpull-out Adpull-in Add-trip (unloaded trips)
  • (d-,d+) (backward arc)
  • Single-depot case: Digraph Dtd:=(Vtd,Atd), where Vtd:={d+,d-} d+ d- and Atd :=
  • Adt-trip Adu-trip {(d+,d-)}
  • Multiple-depot case: Digraph Dt:=(Vt,At), whereas Vt := D+D- + - and At:=d DAtd


The Single-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem (SDVSP), considers one depot.

Illustration of the SDVSP

Using this graph model, the SDVSP can be solved in polynomial time by a network flow algorithm.

IP Model of SDVSP

s.t. x(t-,t+) = 1, t ,
x(+(t+)) - x(t-,t+) = 0, t ,
x(t-,t+) - x( -(t-)) = 0, t x(+(d-)) - x(d-,d+) = 0,
x(d-,d+) - x( -(d-)) = 0,
x(d-,d+) ,
0 xa 1, a At-trip Au-trip,
x integral.


The second model, the Multiple-Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem (MDVSP), considers multiple depots. The MDVSP is NP-hard.

Illustration of the MDVSP

IP Model of MDVSP

s.t. x( +(t)) = 1,t ,
xd( +(t)) - xd( -(t)) = 0, t d,d D,
d xd( +(d)) d,d D,
x 0,
x {0,1}A.

Example of MDVSP: City Bus in Bangkok

The real timetable schedules of the city buses are written in the form of graph model, and then transformed to an integer programming model (SDVSP or MDVSP). After that we are trying to solve this problems to obtain the optimal number of buses used.

Method for solving these problems

  • Branch-and-Cut
  • Column Generation Techniques
  • Branch-and-Cut-and-Price
  • Lagrangean Relaxation-Pricing

Future Work

In summary, MDVSP can be solved by some heuristic algorithms. The disadvantage of these algorithms is that the solution quality decreases when the number of the depots grows. Therefore, further heuristic algorithms for solving MDVSP have to be developed.


Chotiros Surapholchai
Institute for Computer Science, University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 368, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Tel: +49-6221-545744
Fax: +49-6221-545750
E-mail: Chotiros.Surapholchai@Informatik.Uni-Heidelberg.De